en kvart kvar...

Är klar till skolan men det är en kvart kvar tills jag borde cykla till bussen och eftersom det inte är varje dag jag blir belönad med en kvarts ledighet på morgonen så tänkte jag spendera den på att blogga... ;) 
Ja, jag kan ju berätta vad jag ska göra idag; 
idag ska jag först till skolan. Vi börjar tio idag, fast bussarna är inte så snälla så det blir "bara" en timmes sovmorgon... (okej typ en timme och tjugo minuter)...
gaaah nu har det redan gått fem minuter... 

okej, efter skolan ska jag hem då såklart, och sedan ska jag till hestisarna. Typ alla ska få träna lite "markträning". Förutom Bonniestackarn som är halt :( Ingen aning om vad det är, hon är varken svullen eller varm eller någonting någonstans, hon bara haltar, rätt så rejält, på h.b. Flicka liten... Hon får vila några dagar så får vi se om det ordnar sig... 
Ja... sedan ska jag väl sova... 
Har faktiskt fått mitt schema... och just fabian, nu kom jag på att jag inte har med mig det. Hah, tänk vad bra att jag satte mig och bloggade nu... :) Annars hade mitt schema legat kvar i mitt rum för allmän åskådning ;) 
nio minuter har gått...

Cykeln står på terrassen och väntar. Nypumpad i däcken faktiskt, det ni :) Intresseklubben antecknar... Men ja, brukar cykla mer på marken i vanliga fall så... Tror min cykel har en släng av pyspunka?? Kan vara kan vara... 
Ja, nu borde jag kanske ta mig utåt... Jag kan bjuda på en glader bild från Taize. 
Gruppen :) Man var i mindre grupper, typ "bibelstudiergrupper". 
ps; den som hittar mig i bilden är cool :) 
ps2; vill ni se fler bilder från Taize eller borde jag bara lägga ner det och gå vidare med mitt liv? ;) 

Postat av: Daviddeast

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Postat av: JamesFup

п»їPenis Enlargement Bible Unbiased Review – Legit or Scam?
Hi,I am Tim Mankin and I from Spain.I swear to God the following Penis Enlargement Bible reviews is my real experience with the site.Just like you,I was very skeptical at first about this site.I thought there was no way it could be this easy. I thought I would try it out and if it worked great! And if not good I would ask a refund and I have nothing to lose.
Please take a look at owners web pages to find out what they have to say about this product..
Digital Format. Instant Delivery.
Domain “Whois” Details
The Whois information and facts for Penis Enlargement Bible is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide. And it aids consumers understand if the technique is hoax or legitimate. The Whois information for Penis Enlargement Bible is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide.
– Includes video lessons that is certainly clear and understandable.
– Easy to access through internet and not so expensive.
– Unlimited 24hr email counseling with Penis Enlargement Bible author.
– Language used in this program is very easy to read and understand.
– Penis Enlargement Bible is backed by a 8 weeks, no questions asked money back guarantee.
– Many new features with every release.
– It can be used only by those who have access to internet.
– It is not sold on stores in a paperback or magazine style.
A lot of the scams & frauds are designed to look really legitimate to the average consumer. Some even go to great lengths to create a scam that looks & feels exactly like the real thing. Keep your eyes peeled.
Customer Support Rating
Penis Enlargement Bible has received wonderful ratings from almost all users. The user rating is an impressive 9.5/10 and the product rating is an unbelievable 10/10.
Thank you for reading my review and Good Luck!


2017-07-29 @ 08:12:49
Postat av: JamesFup

п»їPenis Enlargement Bible Unbiased Review – Legit or Scam?
Hi,I am Tim Mankin and I from Spain.I swear to God the following Penis Enlargement Bible reviews is my real experience with the site.Just like you,I was very skeptical at first about this site.I thought there was no way it could be this easy. I thought I would try it out and if it worked great! And if not good I would ask a refund and I have nothing to lose.
Please take a look at owners web pages to find out what they have to say about this product..
Digital Format. Instant Delivery.
Domain “Whois” Details
The Whois information and facts for Penis Enlargement Bible is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide. And it aids consumers understand if the technique is hoax or legitimate. The Whois information for Penis Enlargement Bible is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide.
– Includes video lessons that is certainly clear and understandable.
– Easy to access through internet and not so expensive.
– Unlimited 24hr email counseling with Penis Enlargement Bible author.
– Language used in this program is very easy to read and understand.
– Penis Enlargement Bible is backed by a 8 weeks, no questions asked money back guarantee.
– Many new features with every release.
– It can be used only by those who have access to internet.
– It is not sold on stores in a paperback or magazine style.
A lot of the scams & frauds are designed to look really legitimate to the average consumer. Some even go to great lengths to create a scam that looks & feels exactly like the real thing. Keep your eyes peeled.
Customer Support Rating
Penis Enlargement Bible has received wonderful ratings from almost all users. The user rating is an impressive 9.5/10 and the product rating is an unbelievable 10/10.
Thank you for reading my review and Good Luck!


2017-07-29 @ 08:12:50
Postat av: JamesFup

п»їPenis Enlargement Bible Review: TERRIFYING RESULTS.
Men the world over are faced with the big question regarding their penis sizes. Size does matter to men and even if they do not speak about it loudly, they wish they were well endowed like the others they see in the urinal. The Penis Enlargement Bible is a great relief and answer to many of those who have lost their self-esteem because of their sizes. The ‘PEB’ as it is normally called not only an ordinary book but source of great solutions to the male generation. This is the work of John Collins which came into print only after careful and trusted research.
Penis Enlargement Bible System Overview
He addresses each point regarding size with ease and nothing is out of the ordinary. Nobody understands how the penis works like Collins does. For it to develop fully there must be adequate amount of both blood and energy. The number of people who have successfully used the Penis Enlargement Bible is incredible large. In a bid to bring an end to the large number of scams offering enlargement solutions, he chose to find natural and proven ways to do so. He faced a lot of taunting by boys his age because of his size. If you have never believed this work, think again.
The Penis Enlargement Bible product is a 94 easy to read eBook. The English and content is quite flowing and anyone can be able to follow it fully without seeking outside help. Another good factor about the book is that you do not have to read it in open places. Being an eBook, you can choose to read it in your phone, kindle, and laptop without raising eyebrows. The Penis Enlargement Bible does not include creams, pills and other weird ways used by most writers and or advertisers. Natural products with no side effects are what are used in the whole program.
Does Penis Enlargement Bible Work?
Go for medical examination regarding your health
Let your practitioner give a clean bill of health that you are able to use the program
Confirm to you that the program only uses natural products

PE Bible unlike the many other articles found on the web does not require one to have expensive tools. It uses to main systems to be able to fully make it through namely:
Exercises and Natural enhancement methods amongst others.
Is Penis Enlargement Bible a Scam?
Nutrients play a great part in the Penis Enlargement Bible. If you are looking to find sexual pleasure for life then why not consider purchasing yourself a copy. This is the only investment you will be glad you made. The long term benefits have been tested and found to be working for men around the world. Interestingly, even the payment methods are quite secure. Once the payment has be made and confirmed you have the advantage of being a lifetime member. Women prefer a penis that can be felt and if you feel that yours get lost even before reaching its destination. Then you are in the wrong place.
Invest in the incredible Penis Enlargement Bible and change your sex life forever. Times is running out and if you are one of the men, who enjoy wild sex, then consider giving your woman what she deserves. She will stay with you for life. Don’t stay too long in the decision valley, the price will shoot up soon and might be beyond your expectations. Chose today to give your woman something to look to each night, if you are able to deliver you will be amazed at how easy it can be to love a satisfied woman.


2017-07-31 @ 13:54:27
Postat av: JamesFup

п»їPenis Enlargement Bible Review: TERRIFYING RESULTS.
Men the world over are faced with the big question regarding their penis sizes. Size does matter to men and even if they do not speak about it loudly, they wish they were well endowed like the others they see in the urinal. The Penis Enlargement Bible is a great relief and answer to many of those who have lost their self-esteem because of their sizes. The ‘PEB’ as it is normally called not only an ordinary book but source of great solutions to the male generation. This is the work of John Collins which came into print only after careful and trusted research.
Penis Enlargement Bible System Overview
He addresses each point regarding size with ease and nothing is out of the ordinary. Nobody understands how the penis works like Collins does. For it to develop fully there must be adequate amount of both blood and energy. The number of people who have successfully used the Penis Enlargement Bible is incredible large. In a bid to bring an end to the large number of scams offering enlargement solutions, he chose to find natural and proven ways to do so. He faced a lot of taunting by boys his age because of his size. If you have never believed this work, think again.
The Penis Enlargement Bible product is a 94 easy to read eBook. The English and content is quite flowing and anyone can be able to follow it fully without seeking outside help. Another good factor about the book is that you do not have to read it in open places. Being an eBook, you can choose to read it in your phone, kindle, and laptop without raising eyebrows. The Penis Enlargement Bible does not include creams, pills and other weird ways used by most writers and or advertisers. Natural products with no side effects are what are used in the whole program.
Does Penis Enlargement Bible Work?
Go for medical examination regarding your health
Let your practitioner give a clean bill of health that you are able to use the program
Confirm to you that the program only uses natural products

PE Bible unlike the many other articles found on the web does not require one to have expensive tools. It uses to main systems to be able to fully make it through namely:
Exercises and Natural enhancement methods amongst others.
Is Penis Enlargement Bible a Scam?
Nutrients play a great part in the Penis Enlargement Bible. If you are looking to find sexual pleasure for life then why not consider purchasing yourself a copy. This is the only investment you will be glad you made. The long term benefits have been tested and found to be working for men around the world. Interestingly, even the payment methods are quite secure. Once the payment has be made and confirmed you have the advantage of being a lifetime member. Women prefer a penis that can be felt and if you feel that yours get lost even before reaching its destination. Then you are in the wrong place.
Invest in the incredible Penis Enlargement Bible and change your sex life forever. Times is running out and if you are one of the men, who enjoy wild sex, then consider giving your woman what she deserves. She will stay with you for life. Don’t stay too long in the decision valley, the price will shoot up soon and might be beyond your expectations. Chose today to give your woman something to look to each night, if you are able to deliver you will be amazed at how easy it can be to love a satisfied woman.


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2017-08-18 @ 14:30:35
Postat av: TERenlBob

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2022-07-16 @ 00:45:58
Postat av: Williamaneks

OVI arrests neccesitate complete total of the prodessional methods most used in criminal defense court rooms. protecting a OVI starts by making sure not any of your rights on the constitution are trespassed. Because law enforcement is in front of you, and they are essentially the only witness most of the time, the directions and procedural conduct is of the essence. some of us all have mis haps, and cops are no exception. It all happens when usual suspicion which can lead to obvious cause. An example, someone gets flashed over for speeding at 3 am. A police officer takes reasonable suspicion that aperson committed a traffic offense, reckless driving. then, as the police tries to start eye communication or steps in towards the car, he or she may say you posess watery eyes, or there is an smell of alcohol. This elevates the acceptabel suspicion of recklessness to providing a law enforcement a good chance that a person may be driving while drunk. ninety nine% of officers will say odor of liquor, red eyes, or mumbiling speech. Law enforcement may also elaborate you were fumbling around getting your drivers license and insurance card in your hand. At this point the person driving will be likely asked to get out from a ride and start universal field sobriety checks. These are SFST’s are taught under NHTSA (National road Traffic Safety Administration) regulations and must be followed per instruction. If you do go through the checks, the cop may make mistakes which can make the check, or tests thrown out of from evidence. Things such as physical impairments and optimal street conditions should be integrated amoung the results of your check. (i.e. a person can not perform a walk and pivot check on uneven sidwalk). Someone will also take a digital breath tests. There are defects in these gadgets also, after all they are technolgo that need to be maintained and trained on for days. The incarceration is taped from the time the law enforcement turns on their sirens. Through this captured evidence that we are able to base an factual opinion on the law enforcement performing of the checks, to the clients ability taking the tests. Whether you give an OK to the manipukations or not, someone usually will go to jail. If you have been incarcerated for Driving under the inflence or any criminal charges or know some one who needs a criminal defense Lawyer take a look at my website rgiht here [url=https://www.bouchardcincinnaticriminalduiattorney.com/practice-areas/sex-crimes/][color=#000_url]ross criminal defense lawyer[/color][/url] best regards

2022-09-16 @ 02:18:20
Postat av: provenexpert Cog

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Postat av: TeresaIsott

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Postat av: MichaelEvarf

Martial arts is a type of Japanese martial art. It really is probably one of the most widely practiced martial art forms world
wide. It hinges on acute physical coordination and mental focus. The term Karate actually translates to
empty open hands. In a more deeper understanding, ‘te’ signifies
that your particular body is our main weapon, as opposed to swords, guns, or any object this is certainly physically harmful.
This fighting style was utilized by the Ryukyu Islands natives, and was later influenced by Chinese
. when Chinese families settled on Okinawa. The karateka is made of punches, kicks and
deflection techniques. The themes of traditional karate training are both fighting and self-defence,
though the mental and moral aspects target the individuals overall improvement.
Karate was created in Asia (India, China and Japan) over many thousands of years, having countless
martial arts variations and disciplines practiced today. The present day day karate is practiced in
Okinawa, an island located in Japan. This is often traced back into the late 17th century, when weapons
were banned by samurai rulers of Japan. The earliest written evidence of karate was the phrase tode
(the Okinawan name when it comes to art). It was through the reference of a Chinese visitor who taught a
kind of Kung Fu to the island. The tode style blended aided by the fighting techinques which have recently been
cultivated in the island, referred to as te (hand). Te was popular in three cities: Shuri, Naha and Tamarai.
Every one of these cities had their very own way of doing fighting techniques and modern day styles, including
Shotokan and Shito-ryu (mostly affected by the city of Shuri). Since way back when, specialists in
Okinawan martial arts perfected a variety of combat styles and forms, as a result of political situations. The
ruling authorities would ban peasants in making use of weapons from time to time, leaving all of them with
items for your home for protection. And also this plays a part in the development of fighting techniques across Asia,
associated with how karate is practiced without weaponry.
A person named Funakoshi Gichin is credited for carrying karate beyond its geographical roots, by
bringing the elements of Okinawan fighting styles plus the combat strategy to mainland Japan, that
progressively reached the remainder world. He brought karate to Japan in 1922, and is seen and
respected because the father of modern karate. If karate must be described in one single sentence, Funakoshi’s
maxim will be the most appropriate: “You never attack first in karate.”
Today, karate is practiced by millions of people worldwide. There are now four main varieties of karate in
Japan: Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu, and Wado-ryu. Karatekas wear a white, loose-fitting outfit
called a gi, consisting of pants and a jacket that is closed with a belt. The belt’s colour indicates the
karateka’s skill level (kyu). This could easily change from different styles and teachings of Karate.

The Shotokan Karate Worldwide Aussie-land is the established organisation of martial arts
in Australia. The group has near 5 teams, with over 475 members, which makes it certainly one of
the biggest Aboriginal Australian martial arts connections.
Shotokan martial arts is created to Sydney in 1971 by Sensei Jakai Adam. His primary experience of
karate was at 1969, once his buddies heard about an innovative new brawling art getting revealed into Germany.
Sensei Caleb practiced five to 6 times per week, and scoring him a two fold winning by profiting the
European National Kata tournament during the age of 30. He then made a decision to use up training martial art
properly, and went along to Kyoto to review his coach permit during the age of 24. Sensei Remington
ended up being the very first fully ideal Shotokan professor to reach in Australian Continent.
Here, SKIA aims to weigh traditional and modern-day martial art in classes and opposition. They
on a regular basis host established martia

2023-01-30 @ 17:44:49
Postat av: Turkiyeslige

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2023-02-10 @ 19:21:08
URL: http://https://turkiye.community/
Postat av: Turkiyeslige

Republic of Turkiye — 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquake

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2023-02-10 @ 19:21:10
URL: http://https://turkiye.community/
Postat av: Turkiyeslige

Republic of Turkiye — 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquake

Over 18,340 killed in powerful earthquakes that hit southern Turkiye

Support people who have lost their homes, relatives and friends. The project was founded by volunteers and ordinary people.

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Monday's twin quakes, centered in Kahramanmaras, impact more than 13M people across 10 provinces

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2023-02-10 @ 19:21:12
URL: http://https://turkiye.community/
Postat av: DonaldAdere

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Water damage and mold and bacteria expansion can have serious consequences for apartment operators in Irvine, CA. From damaging the structure of the property to affecting the health insurance and well-being associated with the residents, it is very important to handle these problems rapidly. Correct water and fungus minimization with drywall repair is really important in preventing water damage and mold and making sure of the durability of the house.

Water damage and mold could be due to many different sources, among them leaks, surges, furthermore lake intrusion. Disregarding water damage may cause costly maintenance and repairs and in a negative way impact the entire worth of the home. Dealing with water damage and mold and leakages instantly is vital in preventing more damage as well as defending your home from potential water damage and mold.

One of the better how to prevent water damage and mold is through sealing garage and crawlspace places. It will help to avoid water damage and mold from which affects the building blocks and structure of the property. In addition, proper repair of plumbing work and AIR CONDITIONING systems can help prevent water damage and make certain the longevity of the house. Waterproofing roofing, windowpanes, and doors can also be vital in fighting water damage and mold and securing your home from possible water damage and mold.

Mildew growing may be due to a number of factors, including moisture and water damage and mold. Comprehending the role of humidity in mold growth is vital in avoiding black mold. Humidity levels should really be governed to avoid mold growth also to protect the health insurance and well-being regarding the residents.

Certified water damage and mold and mold testing is essential in determining the extent and reason behind the destruction and creating a remedy plan. A specialist water damage and mold and bacteria evaluating service can help identify potential resources of water damage and mold and mold and recommend methods to prevent further damage.

Investing in water damage and mold and mold mitigation is a must in protecting the safety and health of residents, preserving the worthiness of the property and avoiding costly repairs. Proper water and mold mitigation with drywall repair can help prevent water damage and mold and mold growth, ensuring the longevity and value of your home.

Proper drainage can also be crucial in preventing water damage and mold and protecting the house from potential flooding. Ensuring proper drainage can help prevent water damage and mold from hitting the inspiration and structure of the property. Proper crawl space fresh air can also be needed in combating water damage and mold and maintaining the life expectancy of the house.

Setting up water leak recognition systems can offer early caution of water damage and give a wide berth to pricey repairs. These processes can detect perhaps the smallest leaks, providing homeowners using the chance to deal with the problem quickly.

In closing, ideal water and mold mitigation with drywall repair is vital in preventing water damage and mold and mold development in California homes. From sealing downstairs room and other areas to shelling out in water leak detection systems, home owners usually takes proactive steps to safeguard their homes from probable damage. By addressing water damage and mold and mold instantly, homeowners can protect their own health and well-being, preserve the worthiness of the house, and give a wide berth to costly repair works.

If you wish to discover more info on this fact topic go to the web address: [url=https://drywallpatchguys.com/drywall-repair-services-water-restoration-in-anaheim-ca/][color=#000_url]drywall irvine in ARTESIA CA[/color][/url]

2023-02-19 @ 22:06:11
Postat av: Jameszes

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Postat av: Steveneliff

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Postat av: JanetWreno


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Postat av: JanetWreno


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Postat av: Robertcam

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2023-05-05 @ 07:17:28
Postat av: BellewCer

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2023-05-05 @ 07:17:36
Postat av: Elcedib

Counter Strike Source - The reasons everyone never retires

CS Condition Zero is the most recognized and most played multiplayer FPS till now. The game is being played in every area of this world. Especially in, every gaming zone, in every PC and Laptop and even on almost Xbox console.

CS 1.6 is actually a modification of the Half-life game which had already been created in the late 1990's. This online shooter game is a tactical and aiming based game which tests the cognitive ability and responsive skills of the player. Valve Inc took the reins of programming this game in the year 2000, upgraded it by adding some new distinct and exciting features to it.
The most notable the addicting features of CS GO is the ability to [url=https://central-servers.net/]provide your own server[/url]. This means a whole new realm for players to set-up group server and group up. With such a privilege available to them the possibilities is limit-less. In the early 2000s clans had to use Dedicated Servers to run their CS 1.6 Servers. Right now users host using a [url=https://central-servers.net/]Affordable VPS[/url] and still have good games in CS CZ.

CS Source has been a source of entertainment for the gamers since its launch. The question is why? Well, it is because it is that type of online game which doesn’t actually gets repetitive and uninteresting even if one plays it for many years.
Reasons why CS CZ is fun:

One can simply never get lost with [url=https://0v1.org/forums/#gaming.12]CS[/url] since it allows the player to customise it according to their style and preferences. One of the main uses of this customisation is called "wallhacking". [url=https://leaguecheats.com]CS:S Cheats[/url] are the most engaging factor of online shooters and almost all of the gamers have actually become the hackers by the time they're great at CS. Some may want to play the game on the newb skill and the maps with which they are familiar with but the truth is that most of the leet players just want some different things to excite their interest in Counter Strike. LeagueCheats software works on WarGods, WarGodz, sXe injected, [url=https://leaguecheats.com/wiki/esportal-cheats-hacks/]Esportal[/url], GamersClub, EAC, Challengeme.gg, 99damage, FaceIT, SoStronk, PVPRO, GOLeague, ChallengerMode, FastCup CSGO, Akros, VAC, VACNET, Gfinity, CEVO, ESL, FaceIT Server Side, SMAC, KAC, PopFlash, Kickback, and ZenGaming. [url=https://leaguecheats.com/store/]Best CSGO Cheats[/url]

So, gamers can dream up different maps for their own communities or for their game servers. Isn't it awesome that you play every game on all these maps and then people attempt to get experience with that particular game mode by grinding constantly via amazing engagements. This in my POV is the single best reason why gamers ever leaves even after years of games.

The levels can be built through different programs and software, which are totally free to use and one can be proficient in it by watching different tutorials. Most people know that CS Source came with a lot of maps but the fact is that it came only with some beginner maps but over time the mappers created some varied distinct maps on the Valve Hammer platform which the users have been installing them via various websites.

Another piece which is keeping Counter Strike CZ fresh and exciting is the right to make your own dedicated servers. One can make a separate root for their own teammates so that they can have some epic battles with each other or they can invite other alliances for a game. As previously discussed one can have a [url=https://central-servers.net]vSphere VPS[/url] and will have stable performance in Counter Strike CZ.

Again, there are also many cool spray logos available which the users can make and can spray them on the walls or anything else on the map. The spray logos could show the logo of the particular players or clans.

In other terms customising Counter Strike CZ was never really easy before. Now one can never get used to this epic online game.

2023-05-08 @ 14:29:27
URL: http://https://leaguecheats.com
Postat av: FrankVek

andersonclaire95, North Las Vegas - Gravatar Profile [url=https://en.gravatar.com/andersonclaire95]More info...[/url]

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